Memoirs of Mam's Surgery
Notice: A1, A2, N, H1, H2 stand for name of persons or places omitted for sake of anonymity.
Saturday, December 22 2007, 10:00
Me, A1 and Mam are getting ready for going to Kasra Hospital. Mam is too worried. We are afraid too but trying to make her calm. May God help us. In God we trust. H1 and N called.
Man hospitalized in ward 7, room 717. Kasra Hospital. She shed tears. N and H2 called. Mam was taken for medical tests.
Sunday, December 23 2007, 13:00
Man to be operated today round 13:00. Doctors visited her. I am not able do anything.
Mam yet not ready for operation.
Mam got in operations room. In God we trust.
Mam still in operations theatre as they call it here!
N is here now. Operation finished. Thank God. We talked to Surgeon. It's quite promising.
May I just die not to watch you aching and shivering…
Tuesday 25 December 2007 12:20
Mam just transferred to ward 6, room 623.
What is the rank of a mother? The holiest, the most wonderful creature in the world. How does Darwin justify such creature? Is it a random phenomenon?
Tonight N is with Mam in hospital. Today, we heard of former dean of Polytechnique University has died of colon cancer. Every time I hear this name my heart stops for a second.
Thursday 27 December 2007 21:35
I wish no one was hungry in this cold night as I'm not. I wish there was no one unsheltered. I wish there was no one shivering. I wish my Mam wasn't sick in this cold dark night.
Friday 28 December 2007 09:20
It's half an hour since me and A1 have arrived but Mam has been taken for sonography. This night I'll leave for A2.
I'm in Mehrabad airport heading back home. Mam's still hospitalized in Kasra; N's with her. A1's in Hotel. Now 5 days has passed since Mam was operated. Her conditions have improved considerably but still not so good. Clinical signs around the operation quite good; no internal bleeding and wounds being remedied but they are still too painful. The worst problem is that her morals are too bad.