31 October, 2010


اگر زندگي آنگونه كه دوست داريم نباشد، همان بهتر كه نباشد.

حالم از هر چه مصلحت انديشي است به هم مي خورد.

مگر چقدر و براي چه زندگي مي كنيم.

ساكت شو تا كسي صداي اعتراضت را نشنود.

بگو چشم تا نانت را نبرند.

بايد تحمل كني چون…

بسوز و بساز…

25 October, 2010

Feel the heat around the corner

Heat is a 1995 crime film directed by Michael Mann with Al Pacino and Robert De Niro as the main roles. A quote from the movie which impressed me more than ever was:
“Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner”.

This was the way that the main guy stuck to until he got attached to his girl. Then he found that his life means nothing without her. Yet when he "feels the heat around the corner" walks out on her in a couple of seconds watching her in the eyes, but leaves with her the baggage of luck (money) and end up shot dead a few minutes later.

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